select AP_INVOICES_PKG.GET_POSTING_STATUS(aia.INVOICE_ID) = 'Y' '20'||SUBSTR(aia.invoice_date,8) as "Period Year", aida.period_name, as "Operating Unit", aia.pay_group_lookup_code as "Pay Group", aps.segment1 as "Supplier Number", aps.vendor_name "Supplier Name", aba.batch_id as "Batch ID", aba.batch_name as "Batch Name", aia.invoice_date as "Invoice Date", aia.invoice_num as "Invoice Number", aia.description as "Invoice Description", aia.invoice_type_lookup_code "Invoice Type Code", aba.invoice_currency_code as "Invoice Currency Code", --gcc.segment1 as "Company", --gcc.segment2 as "Account", --gcc.segment3 as "Department", --gcc.segment1||gcc.segment2||gcc.segment3||gcc.segment4||gcc.segment5||gcc.segment6 as "Account String", --count(aida.distribution_line_number) as "Count Invoice Line Number", --sum(aida.amount) as "Invoice Distribution Amount SUM", aia.creation_date "Creation Date", fu.user_name as "Created By", aia.last_update_date as "Last Update Date", fu2.user_name as "Last Updated By", decode(fad.attached_document_id, null,'N','Y') as "Attachment Flag", dtl.file_name as "File Name", --AP_INVOICES_PKG.GET_POSTING_STATUS(aia.INVOICE_ID),, aia.description as "Invoice Description", aia.invoice_amount as "Gross Amount", aia.total_tax_amount as "Total Sales Tax Amount", aia.self_assessed_tax_amount as "Total Use Tax Amount", aia.invoice_amount - nvl(aia.total_tax_amount,0) - nvl(aia.self_assessed_tax_amount,0) as "Invoice Net Amount", aida.line_type_lookup_code as "Line Type", aida.amount as "Line Amount", aba.batch_name, '20'||SUBSTR(aia.invoice_date,8) from AP.AP_INVOICES_ALL aia, ap.AP_SUPPLIERS aps, hr_operating_units hr, AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL aida, gl_code_combinations gcc, AP_BATCHES_ALL aba, fnd_user fu, fnd_user fu2, fnd_attached_documents fad, fnd_documents_tl dtl where aia.VENDOR_ID = aps.VENDOR_ID and aia.ORG_ID = hr.ORGANIZATION_ID and aia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id and aida.dist_code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id and aia.batch_id = aba.batch_id (+) and aps.created_by = fu.user_id and aia.invoice_id = fad.pk1_value (+) AND fad.entity_name (+) = 'AP_INVOICES' AND fad.document_id = dtl.document_id (+) and dtl.SOURCE_LANG (+) = 'US' and aps.last_updated_by = fu.user_id and aia.creation_date > sysdate -90 and aida.cancelled_flag is null