oye! look here
una bulla! - make noise
Rueda de Casino - round dance
La Salsa Cubana
Clave - 2-3 or 3-2
repite - repeat
suelta - loose salsa
izquierda - left
derecha - right
otra -another
giro - turn
medio - middle

Basic Movements

Guapea Call: None - default basic after Dile que no
Un Fly, Dos Fly, Tres Fly Call: Tap thumb and index finger
Pa’l medio - tap first together to outside foot then step and tap to center (para al medio, trans to the middle) Call: Point to the middle
Pa’ abajo (Salsa) - salsa in place, follow cumbia style forward (trans. down)
Pa' arriba - salsa forward (trans. above)
Vamos p'arriba (walk forward in salsa rhythm) in lines
Vamos p'abajo (walk backwards in salsa rhythm) in lines
Caminamos Arriba - salsa forward (trans. We walk upstairs) Call: Fingers walking
Caminamos Abajo - salsa backwards (trans. We walk down)
Son montuno - salsa basic back and forth in closed position
Un Torro / Un Torrito - salsa forward to next partner under follow left arm.(trans. bull, little bull) Torro from Pa'arriba , Toritto from Son Montuno Call: hand with 1st and 4th finger on forehead.
Dame - go to next follow (trans. dame - woman)
Dame (Abajo) - go to previous follow and Dile que no.
Dame Dos - go to the 2nd next follow
Dame La Loco - first leads step in 2 claps then follows 2 claps
Dile que no - cross body lead (trans. tell him no )
Enchevarria -on one step back, do the twist 234, back to quapea.
Enchevarria con vuelta - add an left turn for both
Ronde - hook turn, lead step with right behind and turn.
Un Piso - (cucarcha, sueno) - step to middle on 5
Con mambo - with mambo step
Con Uno, Con Dos, Con tres - with a clap