select --aida.* distinct '20'||SUBSTR(aia.invoice_date,8) as "Period Year", aida.period_name, as "Operating Unit", aia.pay_group_lookup_code as "Pay Group", aps.segment1 as "Supplier Number", aps.vendor_name "Supplier Name", aba.batch_id as "Batch ID", aba.batch_name as "Batch Name", aia.invoice_date as "Invoice Date", aia.invoice_num as "Invoice Number", aia.description as "Invoice Description", aia.invoice_type_lookup_code "Invoice Type Code", flv.description as "Invoice Type Description", aba.invoice_currency_code as "Invoice Currency Code", gcc.segment1 as "Company", gcc.segment2 as "Account", gcc.segment3 as "Department", gcc.segment1||'.'||gcc.segment2||'.'||gcc.segment3||'.'||gcc.segment4||'.'||gcc.segment5||'.'||gcc.segment6 as "Account String", aia.invoice_amount as "Invoice Amount", aia.creation_date "Creation Date", fu.user_name as "Created By", aia.last_update_date as "Last Update Date", fu2.user_name as "Last Updated By", decode(fad.attached_document_id, null,'N','Y') as "Attachment Flag", dtl.file_name as "File Name", AP_INVOICES_PKG.GET_POSTING_STATUS(aia.INVOICE_ID) as "Posting Status" from AP.AP_INVOICES_ALL aia, ap.AP_SUPPLIERS aps, hr_operating_units hr, AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL aida, gl_code_combinations gcc, AP_BATCHES_ALL aba, fnd_user fu, fnd_user fu2, fnd_attached_documents fad, fnd_documents_tl dtl, fnd_lookup_values flv where aia.VENDOR_ID = aps.VENDOR_ID and aia.ORG_ID = hr.ORGANIZATION_ID and aia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id and aida.dist_code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id and aia.batch_id = aba.batch_id (+) and aia.created_by = fu.user_id and aia.invoice_id = fad.pk1_value (+) AND fad.entity_name (+) = 'AP_INVOICES' AND fad.document_id = dtl.document_id (+) and dtl.SOURCE_LANG (+) = 'US' and aia.last_updated_by = fu2.user_id and aia.invoice_type_lookup_code = flv.lookup_code and flv.lookup_type = 'INVOICE TYPE' AND flv.SOURCE_LANG = 'US' and aia.creation_date > to_date('01-SEP-18') and aia.creation_date < to_date('01-JUL-19') and aida.cancelled_flag is null and aia.payment_status_flag = 'Y' and aia.cancelled_by is null -- and aia.invoice_id = 4992587 ; // /work/GMAC cifs user=EBSProd_GMAC // /work/CCP/Interfaces/Prod cifs user=OracleEBS_AMTU // /work/AMT/ACS/Interfaces/amtp/ODSGL cifs user=OracleEBS_AMTU \\cle-zorafile\AEL\Interfaces\prod /work/AEL/Interfaces/prod cifs user=OracleEBS_AMTU // /work/AMT/VENDOR_LOAD/Prod cifs //cle-zorafile/AMT/KYRIBA/Interfaces /work/AMT/KYRIBA/Interfaces cifs \\cle-zorafile\ATL\Interfaces\Prod\GGLData /work/ATL/Interfaces/Prod cifs \\cle-zorafile\AMT\INSCO\Interfaces\Prod /work/INSCO/Interfaces/Prod cifs \\cle-zorafile\GMIE\Interfaces\Prod /work/GMIE/Interfaces/Prod cifs // /work/ATL/Interfaces/Prod/GGLData/History cifs // /work/ATL/Interfaces/Prod/GGLData/Monthly cifs // /work/AEL/Interfaces/Prod/GGLData/History cifs // /work/AEL/Interfaces/Prod/GGLData/Monthly cifs // /work/AMT/WS/Interfaces/Prod/GGLData/Monthly cifs // /work/AMT/WS/Interfaces/Prod/GGLData/Daily \\cle-zorafile\AMT\Essbase /work/Essbase cifs user=OracleEBS_AMTU //cle-zorafile/TECMO /work/TECMO cifs credentials=/etc/fstab.creds.OracleEBS_AMTU mount --verbose /work/Test mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//cle-backup\EBS_Test_SMB,ip=,user=OracleEBS_AMTU,ver=1,rw,credentials=/etc/fstab.creds.OracleEBS_AMTU,domain=AMTRUSTSERVICES,uid=5521,gid=501,pass=******** mount error 112 = Host is down Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page ( mount.cifs) 2) Name: Domain: AMTRUSTSERVICESA Uses: 1 OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 9600 NOS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.3 Capability: 0x1e3fc SMB session status: 1 TCP status: 1 Local Users To Server: 1 SecMode: 0xf Req On Wire: 0 Shares: 1) \\cle-file03\OracleEBS$ Mounts: 2 Type: NTFS DevInfo: 0x20020 Attributes: 0xc700ff SELECT 'Supplier Level' Supplier_Level , sup.vendor_name "Supplier" , sup.segment1 "Supplier Number" , 'Suplier Level' "Site Number" , eba.country_code bank_contry_code , 'Suplier Level' "Operating Unit" , 'Suplier Level' "Address ln1" , 'Suplier Level' "Address ln3" , 'Suplier Level' "Address ln3" , 'Suplier Level' "City" , 'Suplier Level' "Zip" , pmthds.payment_method_name "Payment Method" , hpbk3.party_name bank_name , hpbr3.party_name bank_branch_name , eba.bank_account_name , substr(eba.bank_account_num,-4) , eba.currency_code bank_currency_code , eba.bank_account_type , eba.foreign_payment_use_flag bank_foreign_payment_use_flag , eba.attribute_category bank_attribute_category FROM ap_suppliers sup , iby_external_payees_all epa , iby_pmt_instr_uses_all piu , iby_ext_bank_accounts eba , hz_parties hpbk3 , hz_parties hpbr3 , iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds ieppm , IBY_PAYMENT_METHODS_VL pmthds WHERE sup.party_id = epa.payee_party_id AND epa.ext_payee_id = piu.ext_pmt_party_id AND piu.instrument_id = eba.ext_bank_account_id AND hpbk3.party_id = eba.bank_id AND hpbr3.party_id = eba.branch_id AND epa.ext_payee_id = ieppm.ext_pmt_party_id (+) AND pmthds.payment_method_code (+) = ieppm.payment_method_code --and eba.bank_account_num = '13006687' AND epa.supplier_site_id IS NULL AND epa.party_site_id IS NULL --AND NVL (hpbr3.status, 'A') = 'A' AND ((ieppm.inactive_date IS NULL) OR (ieppm.inactive_date > SYSDATE) ) AND nvl(ieppm.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y' UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT 'Supplier Level' Supplier_Level , sup.vendor_name "Supplier" , sup.segment1 "Supplier Number" , 'Suplier Level' "Site Number" , eba.country_code bank_contry_code , 'Suplier Level' "Operating Unit" , 'Suplier Level' "Address ln1" , 'Suplier Level' "Address ln3" , 'Suplier Level' "Address ln3" , 'Suplier Level' "City" , 'Suplier Level' "Zip" , NULL "Payment Method" , hpbk3.party_name bank_name , hpbr3.party_name bank_branch_name , eba.bank_account_name , substr(eba.bank_account_num,-4) , eba.currency_code bank_currency_code , eba.bank_account_type , eba.foreign_payment_use_flag bank_foreign_payment_use_flag , eba.attribute_category bank_attribute_category FROM ap_suppliers sup , iby_external_payees_all epa , iby_pmt_instr_uses_all piu , iby_ext_bank_accounts eba , hz_parties hpbk3 , hz_parties hpbr3 , iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds ieppm , IBY_PAYMENT_METHODS_VL pmthds WHERE sup.party_id = epa.payee_party_id AND epa.ext_payee_id = piu.ext_pmt_party_id AND piu.instrument_id = eba.ext_bank_account_id AND hpbk3.party_id = eba.bank_id AND hpbr3.party_id = eba.branch_id AND epa.ext_payee_id = ieppm.ext_pmt_party_id (+) AND pmthds.payment_method_code (+) = ieppm.payment_method_code AND epa.supplier_site_id IS NULL AND epa.party_site_id IS NULL -- and eba.bank_account_num = '13006687' --AND NVL (hpbr3.status, 'A') = 'A' AND ((ieppm.inactive_date IS NULL) OR (ieppm.inactive_date > SYSDATE) ) AND ieppm.primary_flag = 'N' AND sup.vendor_id not in ( SELECT sup.vendor_id FROM ap_suppliers sup , iby_external_payees_all epa , iby_pmt_instr_uses_all piu , iby_ext_bank_accounts eba , hz_parties hpbk3 , hz_parties hpbr3 , iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds ieppm , IBY_PAYMENT_METHODS_VL pmthds WHERE sup.party_id = epa.payee_party_id AND epa.ext_payee_id = piu.ext_pmt_party_id AND piu.instrument_id = eba.ext_bank_account_id AND hpbk3.party_id = eba.bank_id AND hpbr3.party_id = eba.branch_id AND epa.ext_payee_id = ieppm.ext_pmt_party_id (+) AND pmthds.payment_method_code (+) = ieppm.payment_method_code AND epa.supplier_site_id IS NULL AND epa.party_site_id IS NULL AND NVL (hpbr3.status, 'A') = 'A' AND ((ieppm.inactive_date IS NULL) OR (ieppm.inactive_date > SYSDATE) ) AND nvl(ieppm.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y' ) UNION ALL SELECT 'Supplier Site Level' Supplier_Level , sup.vendor_name "Supplier" , sup.segment1 "Supplier Number" , ss.vendor_site_CODE "Site Number" --, eba.ext_bank_account_id bank_ext_bank_acct_id , eba.country_code bank_contry_code --, decode(ieb3.country_code,'Brasil', 'BR', 'Brazil', 'BR', ieb3.country_code ) bank_contry_code , "Operating Unit" , ss.ADDRESS_LINE1 "Address ln1" , ss.ADDRESS_LINE2 "Address ln3" , ss.ADDRESS_LINE3 "Address ln3" , "City" , "Zip" , pmthds.payment_method_name "Payment Method" , hpbk3.party_name bank_name , hpbr3.party_name bank_branch_name , eba.bank_account_name , substr(eba.bank_account_num,-4) , eba.currency_code bank_currency_code , eba.bank_account_type , eba.foreign_payment_use_flag bank_foreign_payment_use_flag , eba.attribute_category bank_attribute_category FROM ap_suppliers sup , ap_supplier_sites_all ss , iby_external_payees_all epa , iby_pmt_instr_uses_all piu , iby_ext_bank_accounts eba , hz_parties hpbk3 , hz_parties hpbr3 , hr_operating_units hr , iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds ieppm , IBY_PAYMENT_METHODS_VL pmthds WHERE sup.vendor_id = ss.vendor_id AND ss.vendor_site_id = epa.supplier_site_id AND epa.ext_payee_id = piu.ext_pmt_party_id AND piu.instrument_id = eba.ext_bank_account_id AND hpbk3.party_id = eba.bank_id AND hpbr3.party_id = eba.branch_id -- and eba.bank_account_num = '13006687' and ss.org_id = hr.organization_id AND epa.ext_payee_id = ieppm.ext_pmt_party_id (+) and pmthds.payment_method_code (+) = ieppm.payment_method_code AND ((ieppm.inactive_date IS NULL) OR (ieppm.inactive_date > SYSDATE) ) AND nvl(ieppm.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --AND NVL (hpbr3.status, 'A') = 'A' ;
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